Participating Artists / 參展藝術家: | |
Audrey Samson | CA/HK |
Daniel Howe & Helen Nissenbaum | US/HK |
Fannie Ng | HK |
Olia Lialina | RU/DE |
Tonio Mundry | DE |
Winnie Soon & Helen Pritchard | HK/UK |
What is Network Art?
Network art could be described as artworks that use the Internet as a specific medium. Just as painters use a canvas and a brush, net artists use the Internet and write computer code. Often, network artworks make us reconsider the Internet (both technological and cultural), exploring the playful, political and aesthetic possibilities of the medium, rather than just that ‘thing’ we use everyday.
What's this speedshow[2.0] btw??
The SPEED SHOW is a concept initiated by German artist Aram Bartholl in 2010. The idea is to turn a public place like a cyber/internet café into a gallery space, an evening exhibition for browser-based network art. Nearly four years later, the Internet has been embedded in our everyday practices, most people have Internet access on their smartphones, and Internet cafés are becoming a thing of the past. In Hong Kong Internet cafés have all but disappeared. How does one create a SPEED SHOW if there are no existing public places dedicated to browsing the internet?
We propose to think of the entire city as a possible canvas and focus on public spaces dedicated to loitering and discussion, an environment we hope will incite discussion around network art. Since the 90s, many net artists have been experimenting with the Internet as an artistic medium and explored its characteristics.
Kubrick is a locale comprised of a café, a bookstore, and an art space. Most people bring their laptops to work there. By adding computers showing network art pieces, we transform the space, adding points of interest in this milieu. People in the café use the Internet medium, perhaps without paying much attention to its materiality. The SPEED SHOW focuses on this pervasive medium, looking beyond our habitual usage and its commodified framework, to its nooks and crannies, its textures, and its affordances. The SPEED SHOW turns the Kubrick hot spot into a temporary playground, transforming/translating web and cultural data in real time.
SPEED SHOW [2.0] organized by Winnie Soon & Audrey Samson
什麼是 SPEED SHOW [2.0] ?
SPEED SHOW 是由一位德國藝術家 Aaram Bartholl 在2010年發起的。他的想法是把網吧等公共場所於晚上轉化成一個網絡藝術展覽空間。隨著流動上網服務及智能手機的普及,在短短四年,香港人已養成隨時隨地上網的習慣, 互聯網已經完全滲入我們的日常生活當中,網吧亦漸漸成為了歷史痕跡。現在,要於香港找一個地方有咖啡亦提供上網設施的已經很難了,那怎樣可以舉辦這個SPEED SHOW呢?
Kubrick是一個集咖啡室、書店及展覽場地的空間,很多人都自擕電腦上網。我們希望 為這空間再增添一點趣味,將這裡暫時轉化為一所網吧,添置電腦等上網設備,並展出一系列的網絡藝術作品。在咖啡室裡,很多人在埋頭上網,但有多少個確切理解網絡的具體操作與其物質性 ?這次SPEED SHOW著重揭露互聯網的隱蔽處、縫隙、紋理及其特質,打破我們對互聯網的想像界限 ,在商品化的討論以外,探討網絡研究的不同面向。SPEEDSHOW將會把Kubrick轉化成一個臨時遊樂場,把網絡上的數據、文化現象重新處理、呈現出來。
SPEED SHOW [2.0] 由 Audrey Samson 和 Winnie Soon 共同策劃
場地贊助/Venue Sponsor: | 支持機構/Supported by: | 器材贊助/Equipment Sponsor: | |
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